October is the month many high school seniors are filling out applications for early decision to the college of their choice. Students consider many factors, one of those factors should be the college's safety record.
A very helpful site is a government website that tracks all robberies, sexual offenses (forcible and non-forcible), burglaries, and assaults. A very cool extra is that you can get the name, address and phone number of the local security officer on campus. Students and parents should program the phone number on your phone.
When you get to the web site, click on the right side column under "get data for one institution/campus."
Under "Institution City" type in the town your school is located and hit "search".
Click on the college you are considering and you will see the crime statistics for 2008 -2010.
Click on the college you are considering and you will see the crime statistics for 2008 -2010.
Edgemont student, Lauren Spierer, has brought this issue to the forefront of our minds.
I just wanted to write to you to commend you on your excellent website. You are an excellent writer, the photo's are great and the layout of the website/articles are also reader friendly. Your site compares favorably to the best news blog sites. I predict a very successful career in journalism for you. The town sponsors a student news network program-- we invite students to host their own cable TV news program. If you would like to expand your blog and have your own cable TV news show or to participate in a cable TV news program with other students, please advise by e mailing me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com.
Greenburgh Town Supervvisor