Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Update on Popham Street Bridge

The Popham Street Bridge over the Metro North tracks has been under construction for the past two years.
According to Paul Zaicek, from the Scarsdale Town Hall, the new bridge should be completed by the end of October, 2012.  Last Wednesday, I snapped this photo and as you can see, it doesn't look close to meeting the timeline.

Things began to change on Friday night when all traffic over the bridge was suspended. Workers spent the night putting the last beams across the bridge.

By Saturday morning, things looked a lot closer to making the October deadline. The project, according to Mr. Zaicek, should finally come to an end at the end of December.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Warning LIght for Dangerous Corner

If you've ever had to drive thru the intersection of Ardsley Road and Fort Hill Road, you'll know the  4-way Stop sign there doesn't exactly do its job in preventing accidents. At least once a week, an accident occurs here due to cars not seeing the Stop sign or not knowing the traffic rules concerning a 4-way Stop sign.

As I'm writing this, workmen are putting up what will be a flashing red light, that will warn all cars of the need to stop here. Some members of the community have been requesting a traffic light for this corner for years, while others have opposed it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Can You Help Solve This Probem ?

Last month I talked about the crosswalk problem by the Crane Pond on Edgemont Road. While visiting the state of Massachucetts recently, I noticed that for pedestrian crosswalks they used a yellow box.

 This kind of marking is much clearer to see that the usual zebra stripe pattern used in New York State. As cars approached the yellow box, all the cars came to a stop.
Another solution was seen in Connecticut. A large warning sign keeps motorists on their toes.
Why can't one of these two ideas be used as a solution for the crosswalk on Edgemont Road ?

These solutions would eliminate the need for the raised crosswalk on Edgemont Road. The raised crosswalk would require the curbs on both sides of the road to have cut outs made due to handicap regulations. The cut outs are what add a lot of money to the cost of the project.
The Greenburgh Police Department's traffic regulations office was contacted numerous times concerning this issue but they have failed to return calls.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Calling All Students, Parents and Grandparents

October is the month many high school seniors are filling out applications for early decision to the college of their choice.  Students consider many factors, one of those factors should be the college's safety record.

A very helpful site is a government website that tracks all robberies, sexual offenses (forcible and non-forcible), burglaries, and assaults. A very cool extra is that you can get the name, address and phone number of the local security officer on campus. Students and parents should program the phone number on your phone.


When you get to the web site, click on the right side column under "get data for one institution/campus."
Under "Institution City" type in the town your school is located and hit "search".
Click on the college you are considering and you will see the crime statistics for 2008 -2010.
Edgemont student, Lauren Spierer, has brought this issue to the forefront of our minds.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Discovery Playground Opens in Edgemont

The Greenburgh Nature Center opened their new Discovery Playground. The playground has been designed for children ages two thru twelve. The structures were made of natural materials. The Greenburgh Nature Center is located at 99 Dromore Road. Membership is not required to visit the playground, outdoor animal exhibits or the hiking trails.

You can find more information at  http://greenburghnaturecenter.org/