Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Edgemont's Castle

If you are driving on Central Avenue by Ardsley Road and look up the hill, you will notice Edgemont's castle.  The castle was built in 1928. Building it was a boyhood dream of the mural artist, Vincent Maragliotti (1888-1978). Maragliotti emigrated to America when he was 17. After studying fine arts and architecture, he went on to paint murals in the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston as well as the Waldorf-Astoria and Schubert Theater in New York City. He did extensive work painting, decorating, and repairing of the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg.


  1. you can see the top of the castle all the way from central avenue!

  2. if anyone has any way i could get more information about this house the owner more pictures ect. i do home healthcare for one of maragliotti's children and she saw this picture and went crazy over wanting to see more pictures you can email me at

    1. Vincent Maraglotti was my uncle by marriage. His wife, Josie was my father's oldest sister. They had one son, Vincent, an artist and concert pianist, and (if memory serves) four daughters - possibly five. They were much older than I - I remember Gloria and Peggy. I think Peggy was the youngest - my favorite. Would love to be in contact with any remaining relatives.

  3. My name is Luciano Maragliotti(i'm an architect ), i live to turin, Italy, and i think that I and maragliotti for USA are distant relatives I'd like to share two pieces of information.
    greetings from Italy

  4. Vincent Maragliotti was my great grandfather. When he came to the US, his last name was Maraglotta, but always the artist, he did not like the ring of his name and changed it. He had 8 children: 7 daughters and 1 son. The daughter, Gloria, mentioned in another comment was my grandmother. To my knowledge all but one of the children has passed on.

  5. Hello Adrienne! I work at the 92nd Street Y in NYC, and your great grandfather painted the amazing mural on the ceiling of one of our halls here! I am trying to learn more about it and him. Am hoping this finds you, and we can connect by email!

    Warmest regards,

  6. He was my great grandfather as well. His daughter, Theodora (Teddy) who sadly passed at 41/42, was married to my grandfather Charles Phillippo. I've seen pictures of family gatherings at this castle from when family were home on leave during WWII. I heard over the years much of the art painted by Vincent that was in the castle had been painted over or removed.
