Monday, December 31, 2012
All Good Things For the New Year
2013, a new year and a new beginning! My thoughts and wishes go out to the Spierer family whose daughter, Lauren Spierer, went missing from the University of Indiana in Bloomington on June 3, 2011. The people who were last with her on the night of her disappearance have refused to speak to police or report anonymously what occurred that night.
May the new year bring conscious and resolve to the people who know what happened.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Solution Found
It's nice to see that a solution has been found and executed for a safe crossing on Edgemont Road by Crane Pond.
In my September 15th blog, I talked about a proposed raised crossing on Edgemont Road by Crane Pond. The raised sidewalk was to slow down traffic and make it safe to cross the road into Crane Pond. The project was to be scheduled last summer, however the cost was estimated to be over $90,000, so the project was put on hold.
In my October 13th blog, I posted some pictures showing how Massachusetts and Connecticut have solved their problems. It sure looks like solution to the crossing at Edgemont Road is simular to the suggestion I proposed at that time. Perhaps Paul Feiner is reading my blog.
In my September 15th blog, I talked about a proposed raised crossing on Edgemont Road by Crane Pond. The raised sidewalk was to slow down traffic and make it safe to cross the road into Crane Pond. The project was to be scheduled last summer, however the cost was estimated to be over $90,000, so the project was put on hold.
In my October 13th blog, I posted some pictures showing how Massachusetts and Connecticut have solved their problems. It sure looks like solution to the crossing at Edgemont Road is simular to the suggestion I proposed at that time. Perhaps Paul Feiner is reading my blog.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Bad Dream Becomes Nightmare
My heart goes out to everyone who was touched by the horrific massacre that occurred in Connecticut . If not now, when is the time for a discussion of mental health issues and gun control?
Back in 2000, when I began attending the Greenville School, my mom says she used to complain that all entrances to the school were open all day long. She says when she expressed her concerns to the administration her fears were dismissed. Last night, she attended a party and spoke to a parent whose two children are presently attending Greenville. The red front doors are still unmanned and open to anyone. During the extensive reconstruction project of the school, no security measures were put in place.
The Edgemont Junior/Senior High has five separate buildings. All are completely open. Anyone not associated with the school can easily gain access to the campus by entering via the Old Colony Road entrance.
Security measures did not prevent the unthinkable. But the breaking in of the doors in Newtown, allowed time for a call to 911 to be made. Precious moments would be lost in a situation where school officials are unaware of an uninvited person entering a school building.
When will this problem be addressed?
Back in 2000, when I began attending the Greenville School, my mom says she used to complain that all entrances to the school were open all day long. She says when she expressed her concerns to the administration her fears were dismissed. Last night, she attended a party and spoke to a parent whose two children are presently attending Greenville. The red front doors are still unmanned and open to anyone. During the extensive reconstruction project of the school, no security measures were put in place.
The Edgemont Junior/Senior High has five separate buildings. All are completely open. Anyone not associated with the school can easily gain access to the campus by entering via the Old Colony Road entrance.
Security measures did not prevent the unthinkable. But the breaking in of the doors in Newtown, allowed time for a call to 911 to be made. Precious moments would be lost in a situation where school officials are unaware of an uninvited person entering a school building.
When will this problem be addressed?
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Edgemont-Farm Country
Edgemont wasn't always a place of beautiful homes and paved roads. At one time,our area was a collection of many farms. A look at the map above and you will notice four of the main roads that still exist today. All the land west of Fort Hill Road from Ardsley Road north to Underhill Road was owned by four families. Grand Army Road (which was called Tuckahoe Road ) was home to one farm on the east side of the road.
Our town maps and many others are viewable by appointment at the Erskein Dewitt Map Collection at the New York Historical Society. The New York Historical Society is located at 77th street and Central Park West.
Friday, November 23, 2012
November 24 - Small Business Saturday
Small business day is tomorrow, November 24th. Several years ago, American Express promoted the idea that people should support the retailers in their local community.
I thought it would be interesting for you to know that one of the oldest continuous stores in our community is the Scarsdale Ford on Central Avenue. They have been in their current location since 1975.
The world has changed since that time and many places of business have come and gone. In 1975, E.J. Korvette's, a discount department store, was located across the street from Scarsdale Ford, where the ShopRite store on Central Avenue currently resides.
Growing up my father's parents told him that E.J. Korvette's got it's name from the owners who shortened the acronym, " Eight Jewish Korean Veterans. This rumor was proven false because the department chain was actually started in 1948, two years before the Korean War.
Remember to shop locally this Saturday and support the stores that help our community.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Art Work or Historic Relic ?
In my last post, I wrote about the railroad engine wheel that was used by the Greenville Fire Department to signal volunteers to come to the fire house.
Last week I went with my parents when they went to vote. Their polling place is at the Greenville Fire Department. The entrance to the polling place is behind the fire house. Directly in front of the entrance is the engine wheel which I wrote about. The brass plaque is all worn away. Not many people would know what it is or why it is there. My parents always thought it was a piece of art. Now, like you, they know the history behind this piece of art work hanging behind the Greenville Fire Department.
Last week I went with my parents when they went to vote. Their polling place is at the Greenville Fire Department. The entrance to the polling place is behind the fire house. Directly in front of the entrance is the engine wheel which I wrote about. The brass plaque is all worn away. Not many people would know what it is or why it is there. My parents always thought it was a piece of art. Now, like you, they know the history behind this piece of art work hanging behind the Greenville Fire Department.
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Edgemont Fire Department
The Greenville Fire Department is located at 711 Central Park Ave, across the street from the A&P. The volunteer arm of this fire department was formed in 1913, making this the oldest volunteer organization in our area.
In 1913, fire calls were received at the Greenville Hotel, which was located on the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Underhill Road. ( for more information on the Greenville Hotel, go to my blog from June 28th, 2012.) When a fire call was received, an alarm was sounded by striking a hammer on an old railroad engine wheel. Volunteers ran or rode their horses to the hotel, grabbed their equipment and hurried to the fire. In the above picture, you can see the engine wheel that was used on the left side of the photograph.
In 1913, fire calls were received at the Greenville Hotel, which was located on the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Underhill Road. ( for more information on the Greenville Hotel, go to my blog from June 28th, 2012.) When a fire call was received, an alarm was sounded by striking a hammer on an old railroad engine wheel. Volunteers ran or rode their horses to the hotel, grabbed their equipment and hurried to the fire. In the above picture, you can see the engine wheel that was used on the left side of the photograph.
Below is a picture of the fire department in its present location in 1950.
Here's how the expanded building looks today.
Friday, November 2, 2012
The Haves and Have Nots
Sandy made landfall in the Northeast five days ago. It has changed many peoples lives. After it was safe to leave the house, I was going to post some photos of the destruction it has caused in our community. After looking at the photos, I felt the losses our neighbors suffered were too hurtful for others to see.
The effects of Sandy grows stronger every day. On that first day, the story of the haves and have nots was quite evident. There was a division between those with electricity, food, cable, internet and hot showers and those who sat in the dark with coats on, freezing in their own homes. This time the haves and have nots was not a reflection of the foundations of our social order.
Now on the fourth day after Sandy, there's another story of the haves and have nots. What the have nots want is gasoline for their cars and generators. This new development is beginning to turn scary.
Here's the Hess gas station on Central Avenue and Mount Joy. There's now 124 cars on the line to get gas. Drivers,at least for now, are patiently waiting for up to three hours. The line for this station makes a giant U shape around Central Avenue. With two police officers supervising, the line made its way from the Hess station up Mount Joy to Fort Hill Road.
It turned on Fort Hill Road heading towards Scarsdale Farm Road.
It then snaked its way down Fort Hill Road until it reached Ardsley Road.
It then turned on Fort Hill Road and headed down Ardsley Road all the way back to Central Avenue by the Scarsdale Ford dealership.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Update on Popham Street Bridge
The Popham Street Bridge over the Metro North tracks has been under construction for the past two years.
According to Paul Zaicek, from the Scarsdale Town Hall, the new bridge should be completed by the end of October, 2012. Last Wednesday, I snapped this photo and as you can see, it doesn't look close to meeting the timeline.
Things began to change on Friday night when all traffic over the bridge was suspended. Workers spent the night putting the last beams across the bridge.
By Saturday morning, things looked a lot closer to making the October deadline. The project, according to Mr. Zaicek, should finally come to an end at the end of December.
According to Paul Zaicek, from the Scarsdale Town Hall, the new bridge should be completed by the end of October, 2012. Last Wednesday, I snapped this photo and as you can see, it doesn't look close to meeting the timeline.
Things began to change on Friday night when all traffic over the bridge was suspended. Workers spent the night putting the last beams across the bridge.
By Saturday morning, things looked a lot closer to making the October deadline. The project, according to Mr. Zaicek, should finally come to an end at the end of December.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Warning LIght for Dangerous Corner
If you've ever had to drive thru the intersection of Ardsley Road and Fort Hill Road, you'll know the 4-way Stop sign there doesn't exactly do its job in preventing accidents. At least once a week, an accident occurs here due to cars not seeing the Stop sign or not knowing the traffic rules concerning a 4-way Stop sign.
As I'm writing this, workmen are putting up what will be a flashing red light, that will warn all cars of the need to stop here. Some members of the community have been requesting a traffic light for this corner for years, while others have opposed it.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Can You Help Solve This Probem ?
Last month I talked about the crosswalk problem by the Crane Pond on Edgemont Road. While visiting the state of Massachucetts recently, I noticed that for pedestrian crosswalks they used a yellow box.
This kind of marking is much clearer to see that the usual zebra stripe pattern used in New York State. As cars approached the yellow box, all the cars came to a stop.
Another solution was seen in Connecticut. A large warning sign keeps motorists on their toes.
Why can't one of these two ideas be used as a solution for the crosswalk on Edgemont Road ?
These solutions would eliminate the need for the raised crosswalk on Edgemont Road. The raised crosswalk would require the curbs on both sides of the road to have cut outs made due to handicap regulations. The cut outs are what add a lot of money to the cost of the project.
The Greenburgh Police Department's traffic regulations office was contacted numerous times concerning this issue but they have failed to return calls.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Calling All Students, Parents and Grandparents
October is the month many high school seniors are filling out applications for early decision to the college of their choice. Students consider many factors, one of those factors should be the college's safety record.
A very helpful site is a government website that tracks all robberies, sexual offenses (forcible and non-forcible), burglaries, and assaults. A very cool extra is that you can get the name, address and phone number of the local security officer on campus. Students and parents should program the phone number on your phone.
When you get to the web site, click on the right side column under "get data for one institution/campus."
Under "Institution City" type in the town your school is located and hit "search".
Click on the college you are considering and you will see the crime statistics for 2008 -2010.
Click on the college you are considering and you will see the crime statistics for 2008 -2010.
Edgemont student, Lauren Spierer, has brought this issue to the forefront of our minds.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Discovery Playground Opens in Edgemont
You can find more information at
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Edgemont Loses Another Business
The sad news is that the Sprainbrook Nursery, located at 448 Underhill Road in Edgemont is going out of business. Unless Al Krautter, the owner of the business can find another buyer for the nursery, the property will be sold for development. Under the current zoning, six one-family homes could be built on the four acre plot of land.
The Sprainbrook Nursery has always added a personal charm to the community. It differs from the Home Depot style of plant and flower sales. Sales people are more knowledgeable about different varieties of plantings.
If the property is sold for home development, it will be once again another change in the character of the neighborhood.
The new homes would be in the Edgemont School District.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Safety First Feiner
The Edgemont Council reported that sometime this summer, Town Supervisor Paul Feiner decided not to go ahead with plans to have a raised crosswalk installed on Edgemont Road by Crane Pond. The raised crosswalk would slow the traffic and make it safe for pedestrians to cross the road to get to the pond.
After Edgemont Road was repaved a few years ago, The Greenburgh Police refused to allow the Public Works Department to repaint the crosswalk for safety concerns. It seems that the Greenburgh Police feel that there are some site distance problems with a painted crosswalk.
Two years ago, the Town Board commissioned a design study and they recommended a "raised crosswalk" like the one on East Hartsdale Avenue by the Hartsdale Metro North station. That crosswalk was installed after a pedestrian was struck by a car at that location. Like East Hartsdale Avenue, Edgemont Road at this location has poor sight lines, a winding road and cars going too fast.
The money for the project was to come from the Town's recreational escrow fund. Both the Town's Planning Board and the parks recreational advisory board approved the use of the funds.
Mr. Feiner said the estimated cost of $92,240 was $40,000 over budget and has changed his mind on approving the project.
It appears the project is on an indefinite hold. Since your on your own here, keep your eyes open and please drive carefully.
Above picture shows raised crosswalk on East Hartsdale Avenue
After Edgemont Road was repaved a few years ago, The Greenburgh Police refused to allow the Public Works Department to repaint the crosswalk for safety concerns. It seems that the Greenburgh Police feel that there are some site distance problems with a painted crosswalk.
Two years ago, the Town Board commissioned a design study and they recommended a "raised crosswalk" like the one on East Hartsdale Avenue by the Hartsdale Metro North station. That crosswalk was installed after a pedestrian was struck by a car at that location. Like East Hartsdale Avenue, Edgemont Road at this location has poor sight lines, a winding road and cars going too fast.
The money for the project was to come from the Town's recreational escrow fund. Both the Town's Planning Board and the parks recreational advisory board approved the use of the funds.
Mr. Feiner said the estimated cost of $92,240 was $40,000 over budget and has changed his mind on approving the project.
It appears the project is on an indefinite hold. Since your on your own here, keep your eyes open and please drive carefully.
Above picture shows raised crosswalk on East Hartsdale Avenue
Crane Pond Duckweed Update
Have you noticed that Crane Pond is looking a lot better this week? The cooler weather has caused the duckweed to stop growing. As previously discussed in my August 23rd blog, Mike Nessler, from the Greenburgh Recreational Department said the cooler weather would clear the pond. The pond ultimately needs to be dredged to prevent duckweed from growing. For the time being, the ducks seem happier.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Dog Days of Summer

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
School Days Return -Seely School Celebrates 90th Anniversary
With the first day of school upon us, I thought I would look more into the history of the schools in Edgemont.
I was able to get some statistics from Barbara Buff's book "The History of Greenville/Edgemont." In 1922, the first section of the Seely school was built with eight rooms on one floor. The school's enrollment that fall was approximately sixty students. The school was officially known as the Edgemont school. Its name wasn't changed to Seely until 1954 when the present high school was built and was named Edgemont High School.
In 1925, registration for classes K-8 was ninety-four. Edgemont had 785 residents at that time. By 1929, the community had grown to 1,920 residents with 246 students attending the school and a teaching staff of fifteen. Shop and home economics classes were added that year as well as a kindergarten room, gym, and library. In 1931, the school added a second floor as well as an auditorium, and the expansion of a ninth grade curriculum. Students in 10th thru 12 grade had to choose either Bronxville, Yonkers or White Plains high school until the present high school was built. By 1939, Edgemont had a population of about 3,500 with school enrollment of 457 with twenty six teachers on staff.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Classics on Central
Some cars make you stop and stare others may remind people of their youth.The Sunoco Gas Station at 858 Central Avenue (across from Scarsdale Ford) has been serving our community for over 20 years. It's owned by Mike Tatlian, who grew up in Edgemont and graduated the high school in 1983.
Besides serving gas Mike specializes in repairing antique cars. Here are some photos of the 1956 Lincoln Continental and 1957 Chevy truck he has recently been working on.
The oldest car Mike has worked on is a 1932 Deuce Coup, like the car in "American Graffitti." Mike mainly works on Corvettes. The most valuable one was a 1967 Corvette Convertible, like the car from the Austin Powers movie. That one was valued over $100,000.
Support your local merchants and visit Mike's Sunoco on Central Avenue for all your car needs.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
How Global Change Effects Us
If you have passed by Crane Pond on Edgemont Road recently, you've noticed the green blanket covering the water. It's not algae as you might have thought but duckweed (a tiny plant). Duckweed is not hazardous to people or animals, but it is quite unsightly. The cause of this rapid growth of Duckweed is due to the warmer than usual temperatures this summer and past winter. The other causes are the increase in sediment level and the runoff of lawn chemicals into the pond. Duckweed also brings up the nutrient level in the pond which causes more Duckweed to grow.
According to Mike Nessler from the Greenburgh Recreational Department, the pond needs to be dredged. The last time this was done was in 1985. He estimates that three feet of sediment needs to be removed. The problem is the $75,000 cost to dredge the pond. Recently this department had a 7% decrease in funds and has had to layoff staff. An alternative to dredging would be to treat the pond chemically which would cost $2,700 per year. A proposal for the chemical treatment would need to be submitted to The Department of Conservation and it takes six to eight weeks to get an approval.
Two week ago, the town tried to remedy the problem by having the Greenville Fire Department spray down the pond. By cooling the water temperature and oxygenating the water, the Greenville Fire Department was able to clear up 75% of the problem. But within two days, the duckweed multiplied and the pond was back to it's ugly green slime.
Here's what Crane Pond looked like last fall. Please call Town Supervisor Paul Feiner's office (914-993-1540) to express your thoughts.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Domed Stadium or Reservoir ?
There is a water reservoir on Ardsley Road between Warnke Lane and Fort Hill Road. The playground at the elementary school I went to (Greenville School) overlooks the reservoir. The only thing is, when I was seven years old and saw this view:
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