Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let's Keep Our Eyes Open- If you see something, say something.

Listen up Edgemont! Houses in the area are being robbed. Last Monday, February 13, there was a robbery on Junniper Road. Thieves got into the house by forcing in a window in the back of the house and stole a number of items.   This was the second incident in two days. A robbery also took place on Inverness Road in the Cotswald area on Saturday.  If you see anything suspicious, call the Greenburgh Police at 914 682-5331. Lock all your windows and doors.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Heads Up for ACT Test Registration

If you are trying to find the Edgemont High School Code for registering for the ACT test, you won't find it at their New York State Test Center Page. Edgemont High School is not listed.  If you are registering, the Edgemont Code is: 335 085.

Take a look:

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You Can't Get There From Here

Just as I thought. Even the trustworthy GPS doesn't know where Edgemont is. At least we know where to find it.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ground Hog Day -Give me 6 more weeks of this

Watched Punxsutawney Phil predict 6 more weeks of winter this morning. But with beautiful weather so far, I'll take it.  Here are some views on my walk along the Bronx River on Wednesday when it reached 60 degrees.